Proposed Solar Development at Cracker Barrel Farm, on land at A24 West of Beare Green Planning Application - MO/2014/1092

Proposed Solar Development at Cracker Barrel Farm, on land at A24 West of Beare Green – Application MO/2014/1092

The planning application for the Solar Farm has now been submitted to Mole Valley Planning by TGC Renewables who wish to erect around 19,000 solar panels, as well as fencing, cabins and a CCTV system on approximately 36 acres of Green-Belt land West of Beare Green along the A24.

The consultation period ends 28th August 2014 

The 36 acres of agricultural land would expect to generate 4.8Gwh per annum to the local grid. 
KBGG have heard some residents say they would rather support the solar farm instead of the 400 homes being proposed on BG09.  However we would like to point out this application is NOT instead of the planning application put forward by Wates Development it will be as well as. So you could get both being built and lose even more public footpaths around our countryside.
So KBGG would like to URGE the public to send yet another overwhelming REJECTION to this proposal and here are a few reasons.
  • This site is situated within the Green Belt and is Agricultural Land.
  • The proposed solar farm is an inappropriate development and harmful to the Green Belt.
  • This proposal would be detrimental to the openness and rural character of the area and also in conflict with the advice of Chapter 9 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012) and policy CS1 of the Mole Valley Core Strategy.
  • This proposal would harm the landscape character and appearance of the area, which, is in conflict with Chapter 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2012), the Mole Valley Core Strategy policy CS13 and Mole Valley Local Plan policy ENV22.
  • How do you feel about having CCTV around the countryside invading your privacy?
  • Some of these solar panels will be has high as 18ft from street level because of the undulating land.
There is also a question that TGC needs to answer and that is:
  • Would there be a legal agreement, under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 which would ensure that TGC are financially liable to ensure the complete removal of the development at the end of the temporary permission and also states they have to put the land back to it’s original Agricultural state.
KBGG would like to confirm that Capel Parish Council has also objected to this planning application and if you wish to see why then please visit their web site below select Council Documents then Responses:

To see some of the before and after images of the proposed Solar Farm click on the link below and scroll down to the photos.
If you wish to object to Mole Valley Planning then here are a couple of ways to do it:


Or write to:

Mole Valley District Council




Don't forget to put as a heading the planning reference number


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