It's not too late to comment on the Green Belt Consultation everybody.
The Green Belt Consultation closes on this Friday 7th March 2014 i.e. 2 Days time. If you have already sent your comments KBGG would like to thank you for your ongoing support. However, if you haven't yet done so, you still have time and do ask your neighbour to do the same. You can give your comments by either:
If you want to go via the council website you will need to register first. Also, be careful to save your comments first otherwise you may lose them altogether and have to start all over again!
Here are some of the things you may want to mention on each of the sites:
Visiting the website:
and following the link to the page on the Housing and Traveller Sites Plan page
and click on the “Add Comments” tab.
Write to: Mole Valley
Planning Policy Team, Pippbrook, Dorking, RH4 1SJ (You may need to hand deliver the letter now as time is running out).
If you want to go via the council website you will need to register first. Also, be careful to save your comments first otherwise you may lose them altogether and have to start all over again!
Here are some of the things you may want to mention on each of the sites:
- Impact on wildlife
- The changing character of Beare Green for example the village is becoming too congested with cars, poor water pressure in the village, lack of amenities within Beare Green.
- The desperate need to preserve and enhance the village settings instead of building more houses.
- MVDC reducing the distance between Holmwood and Beare Green.
- Significant encroachment into the Green Belt.
- The lose of agricultural land within Beare Green.
- The increased risk of flooding to the west of Beare Green due to surface water flooding that we already see within Willow Close.
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