Next important public meeting for BG09

KBGG would like to encourage the public to registers their email addresses to our Blog to help improve communications around our village and help reduce the cost of printing and distributing flyers. So if you know somebody in the village that isn't already registered with us please do encourage them to sign up.

We would also like to inform you that we will be doing a leaflet drop very soon offering you guidance on how to register your objections to MVDC.

Mole Valley Planning has confirm that they are holding another Drop-In Exhibition on

2nd July 2014 between 3 and 8pm
at Beare Green Village Hall

There will be a couple of planning officers there to answer any questions you may have in relation to BG09 and the possibility of an additional 400 homes in our RURAL Village.

Also Capel Parish Council have drafted their response which has been uploaded onto the Parish Councils website.

If members of the public wish to comment before this draft is approved for submission by the Parish Council
on Monday July 7th from 7.30pm

Please can you make your comments to

Paul Garber: or
Clerk Jackie Coke:

as soon as possible so that any changes may be be included in the text prior to the meeting on 7th July.


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