KBGG January Newsletter

KBGG next meeting 30 January 2013, Dukes Head, 7.30 pm
E-mail: keepbearegreengreen@gmail.com                         Blog: OurBeareGreen.blogspot.com

 Happy New Year to you all!
2013 saw the growth of KBGG from two people having a conversation over a garden gate to a powerful voice representing the local community. 
Thank you to all of you for your time, commitment and interest.  In particular, thank you for taking the time to express your concerns about the School's development directly to the School by sending letters and e-mails. 

Unfortunately, the School is not listening - in the "Public Consultation Results" (published on the School's website) they state "a combined total of 52 letters were received with the majority raising objections [but] to avoid double counting the letter/ e-mails received have not been counted as representing either a new objection or vote of support".
In other words, the School has simply ignored the voices of members of the community in defence of that community and, apparently, will be ploughing ahead with its plans.
It appears that 2014 will pose new challenges for us all and we must not rest. 

While our attention will remain focused on stopping the Weald School's destructive development, we have all become aware of the other threats to Beare Green, Capel and surrounding villages  from several fresh development proposals (including a further 100 to 200 houses in Moorhurst Lane, a large solar farm and a potential traveller site!) - many of which are identified in Mole Valley's Green Belt Review.

Each of the proposals can be challenged and may be defeated - time for the voices of the community to be heard, again, in defence of that community.

Whilst the School's proposal is not in the Green Belt Review (it appears that they will be going straight to a planning permission), the time table for objecting to the Green Belt Review is very short and the grounds for objection are limited - if you are interested in objecting to any part of the Green Belt Review, KBGG can help - we intend to discuss the grounds for objection at our next meeting.

We are very concerned about keeping everyone in touch with developments and with each other and to that extent we are proposing to hold an open meeting every month.
 The first meeting will be on 30 January at 7.30 pm at the Dukes Head and future open meetings will be held on the last Thursday of every month.  All supporters of KBGG are welcome - come along, express your views or just have a pint and a chat!
The agenda for the first meeting (which will be published shortly) will include a discussion on how to respond to the green belt review, so please come along if you are interested in that.
Don't let your voices be silenced by those who wish to develop the green belt land around us for profit!

January, 2014

Keep Beare Green Green


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