Green Belt Review - Two Important Dates

As many people are aware, the Green Belt review is underway and the list of sites to be considered under the review in our area has been released. The review is not saying that development will go ahead, merely that the sites mentioned are being discussed but now is our opportunity to find out about the sites and make our feelings known whether in favour or against.

With that in mind Mole Valley DC has arranged two exhibitions where details will be shown and the various methods of feedback explained.

Exhibition Number 1 is at Capel Village Memorial Hall 15:00 - 20:00 on Tuesday 28th January 2014

Exhibition Number 2 is at Beare Green Village Hall on Friday 14th February 15:00 - 20:00 2014

Please put these in you diary and tell all your neighbours.

Both exhibitions have identical information so it is recommended that as many people as possible attend Number 1 in Capel as the cut off date for feedback is 7th March so you will have more time to consider and respond if you attend the earlier one.

KBGG is preparing information for the blog and several organisations are also distributing information but a leaflet will be available at each venue.


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