Latest Update on the fight to save Beare Green
There is little to update you at present on the Mole Valley District Council's (MVDC) local plan due the the delays made by council and Covid 19.
However we can confirm that the large development proposal put forward by council had 10% more negative responses to destroying our Greenbelt than any other site proposed around the district. Which we think holds us in good stead with our communities fight to protect Greenbelt and our countryside.
MVDC have said they will publish the draft Local Plan for a period to gather comments on whether the Plan meets the legal requirements and then whether it has been positivily prepared, is justified, is effective, and consistant with national planning policy. The draft plan will be published for a minimum of 6 weeks and MVDC currently intends to make a decision to publish on the 15th September 2021. This is to avoid the August summer period.
When the publication period is over MVDC will send all of the comments made to the planning inspectorate along with the Plan. MVDC will make the final decision to submit the Plan to the inspectorate for examonation on the 3 February 2022.
Once submitted the Plan is in the hands of the Planning inspecterote and they will set the examination timetable, the topics the examination will cover and who will be invited to speak.
Cllr Cooksey also updated on the Local Plan which MVDC is required to complete to meet Government housing targets:
“I am very pleased to have been able to set a firm date for the consideration of the Draft Submission version of the Local Plan. This will now be considered by Cabinet and then by Council at extraordinary meetings on the 15th September. On that evening Cabinet will consider whether to recommend the draft plan to Council. Council will then be able to consider whether the plan is the one it intends to submit for Examination. If it is agreed there will be time for the draft plan to be published and responses to its Soundness and legal compliance received prior to the Christmas period.
The test of legal compliance is one that ensures the plan making process has been followed correctly. The test of Soundness are whether the plan has been
Positively Prepared, meaning it is based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements.
Whether it is Justified, meaning that it uses the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence.
Whether it is Effective, meaning whether it is deliverable over its period based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities and
Whether it is Consistent with national policy and enables the delivery of sustainable development.It had been hoped to publish the draft Plan before the August break but it has become clear that avoiding the holiday period would be difficult and as such release of the Plan in September is preferable. Of course Members have been able to involve themselves in the preparation of the Plan and many are of course aware of its content. I must however require colleagues in this Chamber to maintain confidentiality as to the potential content until it is publically available.“
The background to the Local Plan is at including the earlier consultation draft of January 2020.
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