Stay Calm We Are Here To Help You Object To The Beare Green Proposals

You should have all received a postcard from Mole Valley District Council this week telling you about their Future Mole Valley Draft Local Plan Consultation which started on the 3rd February and ends 23rd March 2020.

We are currently assembling information and arguments to help everyone object to one or both sites being proposed by the council.  Please can we ask that everyone holds fire from submitting their objections until after the MVDC Roadshow on the 20th February between 3-7PM at Beare Green Village Hall.

If you are not able to attend on the 20th February there are other Roadshows around Mole Valley which you maybe able to attend.

KBGG will also be hosting Drop In Sessions at the village hall for anybody that wishes some assistance in objecting.  Those dates will be announced shortly.

We are also asking for public donations to help us with printing costs and advertising.  Should you wish to donate please click here.


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