Choose the Right Objections to Make the Biggest Impact: Feedback from Mole Valley

Thanks to everyone who attended the Mole Valley District Council Roadshow and parallel KBGG event next door.  

You can respond here by web: by clicking the "Respond to Consultation" button, or printing the PDF and handwriting a response or downloading the Word document and sending a typed version. Please return to them at or by post to Planning Policy, MVDC, Pippbrook, Reigate Road, Dorking, RH4 1SJ. Your response must include your full name and postcode for validation purposes

Your impassioned support for Keeping Beare Green "Green" was humbling and showed just how much we need to speak up and defend our natural, countryside situation from disproportionate development.  After the event, we counted our remaining literature and are pleased to announce that we handed out over 600 leaflets.  We managed to reach well over 200 individuals, couples and families through the event, speaking with many of you about the ways in which you can voice your concerns.  The feeling was overwhelmingly against the disproportionate and destructive site allocation.

It's important that you express your objections and observations in both factual and emotive terms, but we also need to be careful about what we object to.  It seems Mole Valley Council took away a rather concerning message; that we're more concerned about Traveller pitches than saving the precious Green Belt.  Our South Eastern Green Belt can be saved if the council accepts Brownfield sites more readily and begin to think more smartly about housing solutions.  We need to pressure them to push back on generic government quotas and start offering up innovative solutions which will solve the bigger, systemic issues, rather than just a small part of it.

Remember, we must highlight Mole Valley's lack of due diligence with the Beare Green sites and the qualifying criteria for Green Belt usage; these have been grossly underplayed and misrepresented in their simple desktop assessments and; investigations.


As you will have noted, we had a lot of literature out for you to take home, digest and put forward in your arguments and objections against one or both sites in Beare Green. 

Green belt is protected and as such we should be defending it as strongly as possible against large scale developments like these.  These not only spoil the character and convenience of villages like ours but contravene the Capel Neighbourhood Development Plan as well as National and proposed Future Mole Valley policy.

So, whether you know lots, a little or nothing about what's happening, we're here to help and have posted some of our easily digestible literature.

Get in touch by commenting on the post if you have any other questions.

The Questions and Answers is the first thing you should read.  This will help you get your bearings on what everything means and how to object. Click the picture for all 4 pages

Questions and Answers

Next, move onto the top objections where we've tried to group major impacts and supporting evidence.  Click each picture for 2 pages of information.

Sustainability Objections
Environmental Objections

When you're ready to complete the survey or write to the council, click the picture to refer to the Useful words and phrases which will help you formulate your personalised response.

Useful Words and Phrases

And finally, we've created a step by step guide, to help you complete the survey on and offline.  Click the picture for a 5 page help guide.

Help to complete Survey on or offline

Additional Useful Information

The Sustainability Appraisal scores how well the infrastructure and environment can sustain this development.  Again, this has been severely underplayed by the council in allowing this site to be put forward in their plans. Please click this picture for more.

Sustainability Appraisal

Green Belt use scoring System & MVDC Assessment versus Independent

Click on the picture for the Green Belt review scoring system.  This is our strongest defense against development.  This compares MVDC’s desktop assessment, versus KBGG “Responses” Assessment, and the comparison is stark.  The severity of impact has yet again be played down, due to lack of diligence across this submission.
Green Belt Review Criteria and Scoring

Previously developed, Brownfields/Mixed use sites in Green Belt rejected sites by MVDC 

Use these sites as examples of why Beare Green SA05 should not be in their plans. 

These sites have been rejected due to impact on Green Belt, encroachment into attractive land, lack of integration, access via congestive hot spots, and merging of Settlements (i.e Wigmore and Arnolds); Beare Green SA05 SHOULD NEVER HAVE MADE IT INTO THEIR PLANS EITHER.  The areas detailed in these maps are also brownfield/mixed use sites but have been rejected on  comparatively, weaker grounds.  Click for a 4 page synopsis.


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