Update of Composting site at Swire's Farm

With regards to the waste recycling site at Swire’s Farm  currently Surrey Planning Officers are engaging with the Landlord to ensure that all the planning conditions are met before commencement of composting and that the Environment Agency has issued an environment permit, which they have not yet done.

Officers have also advised that it is currently bird nesting season (1 March and 31 August inclusive).  Consequently, trees and scrub which are present on the application site are assumed to contain nesting birds, unless a recent survey has been undertaken by a competent ecologist to assess nesting bird activity and demonstrate that nesting birds are not present.

There is an outstanding planning condition (number 11 listed below) for some minor signing and lining highway works along Henfold Lane, which the applicant is trying to progress with our highways team. I have attached a copy of the approved plan for your reference.

Before any such operations are commenced there are a number of matters the landowner needs to address including construction of the facility in the first instance in accordance with planning permission Ref. MO/2013/1382 (as set out below) and the details approved by virtue of decision notice Ref. MO/2014/1752.

Condition 1

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out and maintained in all respects strictly in accordance with the following plans, drawings and documents:

Drawing: FFL/SFC/LOC/01 - Site Location dated stamped 26 September 2013
Drawing: FFL/SFC/APP/01 - Application Boundary dated February 2013
Drawing: FFL/SFC/TS/01 - Tree Survey dated February 2013
Drawing: FFL/SFC/LA/02 - Hedgerow Planting dated February 2013
Drawing: FFL/SFC/LAY/02 - Operational Layout dated January 2014
Drawing: FFL/SFC/BZ/02 - 250m Buffer Zone dated January 2014
Drawing: F.048/2 - Visibility Splays dated April 2014
Drawing: F.0483 - 7.17m Rigid Vehicle Turn dated April 2014
Drawing: F.048/1A - Road Marking Plan dated April 2014
Drawing: TPP-CC/1143 AR2078 Rev.1 - Tree Protection Plan dated February 2014
Document: Sections 1 to 28 of Revised Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Arboricultural Method Statement dated February 2014
Document: Appendices 1 to 5 of Revised Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Arboricultural Method Statement dated February 2014
Document: Dust Management Section of Construction Management Plan dated November 2013
Document: Noise Management Section of Construction Management Plan dated November 2013
Document: Health and Safety Section of Construction Management Plan dated November 2013.

Condition 2

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (or any order revoking and/or re-enacting that Order with or without modification), no plant, buildings, structures or machinery (other than those expressly authorised by this permission), whether fixed or moveable, shall be stationed, erected, or constructed on the application site without the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority.

Condition 5 

No materials associated with the construction of the application site shall be delivered to or accepted at the site outside of 0900 to 1500 hours Monday to Friday and not at all on Saturdays, Sundays, Bank, National or Public Holidays. No vehicles associated with the construction of the application site shall wait on the public highway or at the application site’s access before 0900 hours Monday to Friday.

Condition 6

The means of access to the application site shall be from Henfold Lane via Mill Road and the A24 only. There shall be no means of vehicular access from Henfold Lane southbound or Blackbrook Road northbound.

Condition 10

Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted the proposed modified access off Henfold Lane shall be constructed and provided with visibility zones in accordance drawing number F.048/2 dated April 2014. The modified access shall be permanently maintained and the visibility zones shall be kept permanently clear of any obstruction for the duration of the development.

Condition 11

Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted a highway improvement scheme generally in accordance with drawing number F.048/1A dated April 2014, to provide road markings to guide vehicles through the highest point of the railway bridge, and provide horse warning signs, shall be submitted to the County Planning Authority for approval. The approved details shall be implemented prior to commencement of the development and maintained for the duration of the development as approved.

In respect of the requirement to provide the road markings and warning signs I understand that there has been a delay relating to the provision of these and that this delay is not as a result of your client.  However, the CPA would expect the development permitted to be carried out in accordance with the conditions it is subject to including condition 11.  Accordingly, I would strongly advise your client to ensure that the approved details relating to the signage and road markings are implemented before any materials are imported to the application site.

Condition 12

All plant and machinery shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and where reversing signals are used these shall comprise white noise signals as opposed to reversing bleepers.

Condition 13

All existing hedges and hedgerows shall be retained unless shown on the approved drawings as being removed. All hedges and hedgerows on and immediately adjoining the application site shall be protected from damage for the duration of works on the site. This shall be to the satisfaction of the County Planning Authority and in accordance with the Arboricultural Method Statement prepared by Chalice Consulting dated 10 February 2014. Any parts of hedges or hedgerows removed without the County Planning Authority’s consent or which dies or becomes diseased or otherwise damaged within 5 years following completion of the development shall be replaced as soon is reasonably practicable and in any case not later than the end of the first available planting season with plants of such size and species and in such positions as may be approved in writing by the County Planning Authority.

Condition 17

Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted the three signs shown on Drawing: FFL/SFC/LA/02 - Hedgerow Planting dated February 2013 shall be erected where the existing agricultural track crosses both public footpath No.222 and public bridleway No.536. These signs shall be maintained at these crossing points for the duration of the development.

Notwithstanding the above, the details submitted by your client pursuant to conditions 15 (landscape maintenance), 16 (surface water drainage), and 19 (run-off pond) of the planning permission should also be carried out in accordance with details as approved.


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