Statement from Mole Valley Planning in relation to the recent Housing & Traller Document

It isn't over yet but certainly heading in the right direction.  Here is a recent statement made by Mole Valley.

Statement From MoleValley District Council
16 October 2014

Council Meeting 14 October 2014
At a meeting of the Council on 14th October, a motion was put forward by Councillor Stephen Cooksey and Councillor James Friend. It proposed that the Council would not support proposals for the exclusion of land from the Green Belt and its allocation for development in the Housing and Traveller Sites Plan, which did not have the support and consent of the local community, and which continued to contribute to Green Belt aims. The motion also proposed that the search for appropriate brownfield sites be intensified.
Councillor John Northcott, the Executive Member for Planning, asked that the motion be withdrawn in view of recent decisions on Local Plans in other Local Authorities and the fact that the potential requirement for Green Belt land appeared to be less than had been previously thought. He indicated that he was minded to propose that work on the current Housing and Travellers Sites Plan cease in favour of commencing work on a new compliant Local Plan. Following discussion, the proposers of the motion made statements which were recorded supporting the principles contained in the motion but agreed to withdraw the motion. A further report on the matter will be presented by officers to the Executive in due course.


Media contacts for further information:
Matt Blake
Senior Communications and Marketing Officer Tel: 01306 870624



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