Mole Valley Planning Consultation Period has started everyone and it ENDS 21st July 2014.
So KBGG urge ALL BEARE GREEN RESIDENTS to attend the Drop in as we need to let MVDC know our views about the potential 400 homes at BEARE GREEN being put in our RURAL Village.
So if you have questions for the planning officers then we suggest you make every effort to attend Mole Valley Drop In Exhibition which is being held on the
2nd July at Beare Green Village Hall between 15:00 - 20:00
To view comments online visit www.molevalley.gov.uk/localplans
Alternatively, you can contact the Planning Policy Team on 01306 885001
or email: planning.policy@molevalley.gov.uk with your OBJECTIONS to BG09
We would also like to draw to your attention that the Weald seems to think that BG09 is a forgone conclusion at being developed and the new school will be relocated there. KBGG would like you to ask the planning office if this is already a done deal. KBGG certainly hope this isn't the case.
Here is a direct quote from the Head Teacher of the Weald School Mrs Y L Waring
Subject: Dorking Advertiser/Whole School Photo
Dear Parents and Carers,
You may have read the article in the Dorking Advertiser regarding the praise we received in an e-mail from HMI. If you did, you will have noted with interest the final paragraph which stated, “Despite the Ofsted rating, plans to fund a refurbishment of the school by selling off part of its grounds to housing developers are still on the cards, the Diocese of Guildford confirmed.” On the day of publication I had a meeting with Dr Peter Simpson, Head of School Effectiveness for the Diocese. He was extremely annoyed as this was a very old quote. Nobody had contacted them and if they had, that is not the response they would have received. In fact, the Diocese has decided to apply for the second round of funding for Building Schools for the Future. As it is unlikely that this new school will be on the present site, there was an agreement at the meeting that if and when approval was gained, the community would be asked what they would like to happen to the present school building and the land.
In the diary section of last week’s newsletter, 27th June was the date indicated for the whole school photograph. This is an event that only happens every 4 years, when the whole school and its staff are photographed together. Therefore, this Friday at 8.15 a.m. the photographers will arrive with all the staging and camera equipment for the picture to be taken as near to 9 a.m. as possible. I would also like parents to ensure that all Key Stage 2 are in uniform with shirts and ties, no need for jumpers, and all Key Stage 1 and EYFS are in skirts/ trousers plus polo shirts carrying the school logo. All will make a very impressive photograph that school, parents, carers and pupils will treasure for many years to come.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs Y L Waring M.Ed. LPSH
Head teacher
If you are as concerned about the possible relocation of the Weald school to the BG09 site then we suggest you also contact the Head and advise her of your objection to this idea.
Office phone: 01306 711719
Email: info@weald.surrey.sch.uk
So KBGG urge ALL BEARE GREEN RESIDENTS to attend the Drop in as we need to let MVDC know our views about the potential 400 homes at BEARE GREEN being put in our RURAL Village.
So if you have questions for the planning officers then we suggest you make every effort to attend Mole Valley Drop In Exhibition which is being held on the
2nd July at Beare Green Village Hall between 15:00 - 20:00
To view comments online visit www.molevalley.gov.uk/localplans
Alternatively, you can contact the Planning Policy Team on 01306 885001
or email: planning.policy@molevalley.gov.uk with your OBJECTIONS to BG09
We would also like to draw to your attention that the Weald seems to think that BG09 is a forgone conclusion at being developed and the new school will be relocated there. KBGG would like you to ask the planning office if this is already a done deal. KBGG certainly hope this isn't the case.
Here is a direct quote from the Head Teacher of the Weald School Mrs Y L Waring
Subject: Dorking Advertiser/Whole School Photo
Dear Parents and Carers,
You may have read the article in the Dorking Advertiser regarding the praise we received in an e-mail from HMI. If you did, you will have noted with interest the final paragraph which stated, “Despite the Ofsted rating, plans to fund a refurbishment of the school by selling off part of its grounds to housing developers are still on the cards, the Diocese of Guildford confirmed.” On the day of publication I had a meeting with Dr Peter Simpson, Head of School Effectiveness for the Diocese. He was extremely annoyed as this was a very old quote. Nobody had contacted them and if they had, that is not the response they would have received. In fact, the Diocese has decided to apply for the second round of funding for Building Schools for the Future. As it is unlikely that this new school will be on the present site, there was an agreement at the meeting that if and when approval was gained, the community would be asked what they would like to happen to the present school building and the land.
In the diary section of last week’s newsletter, 27th June was the date indicated for the whole school photograph. This is an event that only happens every 4 years, when the whole school and its staff are photographed together. Therefore, this Friday at 8.15 a.m. the photographers will arrive with all the staging and camera equipment for the picture to be taken as near to 9 a.m. as possible. I would also like parents to ensure that all Key Stage 2 are in uniform with shirts and ties, no need for jumpers, and all Key Stage 1 and EYFS are in skirts/ trousers plus polo shirts carrying the school logo. All will make a very impressive photograph that school, parents, carers and pupils will treasure for many years to come.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Mrs Y L Waring M.Ed. LPSH
Head teacher
If you are as concerned about the possible relocation of the Weald school to the BG09 site then we suggest you also contact the Head and advise her of your objection to this idea.
Office phone: 01306 711719
Email: info@weald.surrey.sch.uk
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