Mole Valley have announced additional sites to add to the Housing and Traveller Document

You previously responded to the consultation by Mole Valley District Council on its Housing and Traveller Sites Plan (HTSP). KBGG are now contacting you to make you ALL aware of a consultation due to commence 9th June until 21st July 2014.

Mole Valley District Council have announced additional sites and one of them is Land to the South of Beare Green otherwise known as BG09A and BG09B. This is located on the fields at the back of Highland road and they are proposing 2 options:

A) 400 homes, open space and a new Primary School to replace the Weald.

B) 200 homes, open space and allotments.

Obviously this is subject to the agreement of the Council's Executive on the 28th May it is proposed to consult on these sites from the 9th June for 6 weeks.

Full details of the proposed consultation document and its draft text can be seen using the link below - If you refer to page 29 you will see details in relation to BG09.

Additional Sites for the Housing and Traveller Document from Mole Valley District Council


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