Tonight was the inaugural meeting of Keep Beare Green Green - residents of our village in an area of outstanding natural beauty are incensed by plans of The Weald School to sell off its playing fields to developers to build 100 houses ! The playing field is in designated Green Belt land and the scale of the development would overwhelm our pretty village.
If you want to join our campaign to stop these outrageous plans or would just like to be kept informed of progress please click on the "subscribe by email" link at the bottom of the page

Please click on this link to the school web site to see how proud they are of the 17 acres of grounds and playing fields: "space for children to learn and grow" while planning to replace it with mass housing
If you want to join our campaign to stop these outrageous plans or would just like to be kept informed of progress please click on the "subscribe by email" link at the bottom of the page
Please click on this link to the school web site to see how proud they are of the 17 acres of grounds and playing fields: "space for children to learn and grow" while planning to replace it with mass housing
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