September Update 2021 on Future Mole Valley Local Plan
There will be an Extraordinary meeting on Wednesday 15th September 2021, Mole Valley District Council’s cabinet will consider a report recommending that the draft local plan is published. Should the cabinet agree to proceed, that same report and recommendation will be considered by all Members at an Extraordinary Council meeting later that evening. If agreed by members, MVDC’s Regulation 19 draft Local Plan and other submission documents will be published for a seven-week period, Monday 20th September to 7th November 2021.
However please note that while Regulation 19 stage is not a formal consultation, it is no less of a vital step towards a sound Mole Valley Local Plan being adopted.
To see the Extraordinary Meeting Agenda and supporting document please click here:
Mole Valley Council has analysed all our responses and have put forward the removal of the large site proposal which runs along the A24 and A29.
This means that the 480 homes for Beare Green will not form part of the local plan.
The Breakspeare Farm has been put forward in the Local Plan as this formed part of our Capel Neighborhood Development Plan. What is been suggested that 56 homes that was proposed will be reduced to 46 and will still have the playground placed within that development, additional parking for the Railway and protection of the mature trees and hedgerows.
So what happens when the local plan is agreed by council
The local plan will be submitted to the inspector to decide if this plan meets to Government Housing Target.
Important Note to be made is that the Council is not submitting a plan that meets the Government housing target so there is a risk that their proposal will be rejected by the inspector.
So this is now going to be a waiting game for the whole of Mole Valley.
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