BG09 400 Houses
MVDC public consultation is about to close for BG09
- The proposal is to build 400 houses. If it goes ahead, then that's 400 hundred houses that Mole Valley will not build on “derelict or other urban land”. In other words, the development would prevent the recycling of existing “brown field land”.
- Beare Green does not have the infrastructure to service 400 new houses and their residents – we do not have enough shops, surgeries, or school places.
- The submission includes “proposals” for infrastructure, but (a) we cannot make the developers provide the things they promise at this stage and (b) the developer cannot guarantee the delivery of a doctor’s surgery as this is outside their control. The infrastructure improvements which are promised are not guaranteed.
- The developers promise a “Country Park” – the land is already well used for recreation and the development will prevent local residents accessing existing green fields.
- Access to main roads – even Surrey County Council believes that there may be problems associated with accessing the main roads. What do you think? Will the current road arrangements be enough to cope with the cars associated with 400 new houses? This includes not only the roundabout but roads further north, such as the Cock Roundabout or the single track parts of the A24 to the south. How would you feel about linked access through Springwell or Highland Road by the demolition of a couple of houses?
- The development will increase reliance on private cars – there are insufficient public transport links to service 400 new homes and their occupants.
- Flooding – in your experience does the land flood? If yes, please say so.
- Light pollution – any development, especially one of this size, will simply destroy our night skies. If you agree – say it!
- There is no direct link to the main village and if one were to be created through either Springwell Road or Highland Road, the possible access point would put too much strain on Merebank Road and Old Horsham Road. It would also make it extremely difficult for the existing residents to move around the main village as we already have a serious parking issue within the main village. This could make it extremely difficult for the emergency services to get around.
How you can comment on the MVDC Housing and Traveller Additional Document?
You can comment on their document by:
- Visiting and following the link to the page on the Housing and Traveller Sites Plan page. For those people viewing this document online, please just click on the “Add Comments” tab. Recommended
- Requesting a comments form and returning it to the Planning Policy Team, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking Surrey, RH4 1SJ, or in person to the Council Offices in Dorking or the Leatherhead HelpShop. (See for opening times).
- E-mailing your comments to
- Capel Parish Council have put together a DRAFT response and have asked that if the publichave any additional comments to add to their proposal, please submit your comments to the
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