KBGG Meeting on the 4th March @ 8pm
This is KBGG’s final push to get people to write to Mole Valley District Council in relation to the 3 proposed sites for possible development.
You may wish to voice your opposition to plans to develop Beare Green with the addition of 270 new dwellings, we are trying to reach out to the public and to encourage you to write to MVDC and ask for your assistance to encourage your neighbours to object to the Council as well.
These plans will affect the whole village:
by spoiling the beauty of the surrounding rural countryside
by putting pressure on inadequate local services
by greatly increasing the car traffic in the village.
Please note that we are being asked to respond to both the Housing and Traveller Sites proposals and the Minor Green Belt Boundary Changes. These can be viewed at: http://www.molevalley.gov.uk/index.cfm?articleid=15753
It is essential that objections from Beare Green should come from all quarters of the village and not just those adjacent to the sites. Everyone who opposes these plans needs to write and should not assume that others will have done so. There are currently no more than 12 objections per site. We have attached a list of some objections, you might want to consider.
Objections do not have to be made online. Many people might feel more comfortable responding by letter or email and this is perfectly acceptable and much easier.
Email: planning.policy@molevalley.gov.uk or post: Council Offices, Pippbrook, Dorking, RH4 1SJ
If wanted, we can help people to write letters and will visit in their own homes to listen to their views. For advice or help, email: BG.proposal@outlook.com or telephone: 01306 711006
You may also wish to come along to the village hall and have people on hand with examples on what possible objections you may use to oppose the sites. If you do then we will be on hand for you from 4th Match @ 8pm.
Please would you speak to neighbours and friends in the village who may not have written. Time is running out and objections need to be received by Friday 7th March.
There are sufficient sites elsewhere in Mole Valley to stop further development in Beare Green. Our village has seen the number of new dwellings rise by over 90% since 1981 compared to a 35% increase across the whole of Mole Valley.
It’s time to call a halt!
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